Interview 73: Dating In DC

After four years and almost 100 first dates, Craig Schattner is still single.

So he decided to try and answer the question of whether the inability to find a long-term girlfriend stems from a problem with him, or with the District of Columbia where he lives. Craig — an experience cameraman — decided to launch a web-based video series calling “Dated” in which he sets out to learn more about the hurdles to dating both through his own experiences and interviewing others about dating in the city.

Craig’s series was recently featured in the Washington Post and that’s how I found out the project. I reached out to him for a platonic dinner date, and he was kind enough to agree to get a meal at DC’s Mintwood Place.

Click on Craig’s picture above, or on this link, to read my interview with Craig, in which he discusses dating, work, bagels, and more, including the question about his love life struggles: is it really the city’s problem? Or is it Craig?

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