Stephen Tobolowsky Stars In ‘Poolman’

More news about strangers I missed last year! Actor and writer Stephen Tobolowsky, perhaps best known as Ned Ryerson in “Groundhog Day,” continues to be one of the most prolific character actors working today. We met in October 2014 at an LA diner for the 66th interview, spending more than…

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Tired Old Queen At The Movies Hits 21K+

I’ll be doing the 131st and 132nd dinner interviews — the first in almost five years — next week in London. If you’d like to be featured on this site, simply click here to book a dinner and we’ll take it from there. In the meantime, I’ve been checking up…

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Michelin Recommends Atlanta’s Twisted Soul

Even when this site was on hold for the last few years, I’ve kept up on news from the strangers I met. And today’s update is about the last interview before pausing Dining With Strangers due to the pandemic and other things. Deborah VanTrece, the 130th stranger I dined with,…

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